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Illustration of laptop with AgriWebb software and farmers on either sideIllustration of laptop with AgriWebb software and farmers on either side

This guide documents the process of integrating as a Third-Party Partner into the AgriWebb Ecosystem, and gaining authorisation from an AgriWebb customer to access their data through the AgriWebb API.


To integrate with AgriWebb your application must be capable of connecting to an OAuth 2.0 authorisation server and performing authorised requests to a GraphQL API over HTTPS. The authorisation server is responsible for requesting permissions from the user and issuing partners with tokens. The GraphQL API accepts these tokens and enables partners to query and mutate data in AgriWebb.


AgriWebb will work with each Partner to collect registration information necessary for inclusion in the AgriWebb Marketplace. Partner registration requires the following information:

Client NameDisplay name of the integration product that will be seen by AgriWebb usersSample App
DescriptionBrief description of the integrationExample third party application that connects to AgriWebb.
Homepage URLURL to a landing page that AgriWebb users can visit for more information about the integration
LogoYour company logo that will be displayed on the AgriWebb Marketplace
Install URLURL for an install endpoint that AgriWebb will redirect to when a user initiates an integration from the AgriWebb Marketplace
Redirect URLURL that AgriWebb will redirect to as part of the OAuth 2.0 Authorisation Code Grant once a user has granted permission


In order to start building your integration, AgriWebb will provide you with credentials to use throughout the authorisation process. You will receive a Client ID and Client Secret which will need to be stored securely.

API Changes

We are actively expanding the AgriWebb public API to include more functionality. Breaking changes will only be done under a major version change but new endpoints, queries, mutations and optional fields on existing objects will be added.

To stay up to date with changes to the API you can sign up to the developer mailing list below

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